Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm not dead I promise!! :)

So I know it has been a while since I posted...I just don't feel like I have anything to post. So just a quick update on my life since I've been home from college. So I went to the Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard concert with Dad in August! It was way FUN!!! It was interesting to see all the different drunk people...ha ha! So I started working at Deseret Book and the Eldredge Manor again and it was been really good! I'm also doing my internship at a battered women's shelter and it has been very enlightening. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to work with the women in there. If anyone is ever looking for something to do once a week, they are always looking for volunteers! Give me a call! Anyway, so that is what I have been up to...still waiting on the silly boys to stop wanting to hang out and start asking out. So we'll see what happens there. Also, it is almost my 24th b-day and I feel old. I know I'm not as old as some people, but compared to the people I hang around with at work I am old! :)

1 comment:

AnJ. said...

You aren't allowed to feel old yet!
Glad you had fun with Dad at the concert and it's good to see you blogging again. :)