Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm not dead I promise!! :)

So I know it has been a while since I posted...I just don't feel like I have anything to post. So just a quick update on my life since I've been home from college. So I went to the Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard concert with Dad in August! It was way FUN!!! It was interesting to see all the different drunk people...ha ha! So I started working at Deseret Book and the Eldredge Manor again and it was been really good! I'm also doing my internship at a battered women's shelter and it has been very enlightening. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to work with the women in there. If anyone is ever looking for something to do once a week, they are always looking for volunteers! Give me a call! Anyway, so that is what I have been up to...still waiting on the silly boys to stop wanting to hang out and start asking out. So we'll see what happens there. Also, it is almost my 24th b-day and I feel old. I know I'm not as old as some people, but compared to the people I hang around with at work I am old! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well...It's Official....Kind of!

So I finally finished my summer semester at school! And I did get to walk in graduation. But now I have to work on my internship that is unpaid! :( But it is enjoyable and I am learning a lot. But I need money also. After I finish this internship I will be done! WOO HOO! :) So yeah, I'm just doing a little post to let everyone know that I finished and sorta graduated! Thanks for everyone's support throughout the years and for the lovely graduation wishes and presents! I really appreciate them! I love you all! Thanks! And now it is on to the next chapter of my life! YEAH!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just One, just One More Week!!!

So I just have one week until graduation! Well really I don't get my diploma until December, but I get to walk on Thursday, July 23rd. I still have to do my internship. But I am SO close to being done and it feels so good! :) I have one presentation, one blue book exam, one reading, five papers, and four course evaluations to accomplish before next Thursday! Yikes, not to mention I am dead tired from going to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter. Which was amazing by the way!!! I tried taking a nap to feel more rested, but to no avail. I feel more tired than ever. BAH! I feel sort of stressed like my picture so obviously points out. Anyway, just thought I'd give everyone a run down of what is new. And you probably won't see a post for a while...too much homework!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"I'm Just a Girl!!!" -No Doubt

So I had the opportunity to go see No Doubt and Paramore on Monday night!!! It was SO much fun! No Doubt hasn't been touring for a few years, and they haven't released a completely new CD since around 2002. They sounded as great as ever and they still have so much energy invested in their songs. I took my best friend Braquel with me. She is just about to graduate from high school and she still had never been to a concert. So I figured she should get at least one concert under her belt before she heads off to college. It was so much fun going with her. The concert was at the E Center so we drove down there listening to No Doubt. We were actually late to the concert, but that was okay because I didn't want to see the first opening band. We just wanted to see Paramore and No Doubt. Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of No Doubt actually turns 40 this year. That is hard to believe. She brought her son up on stage at one point and we sang happy birthday to him. He was only about two years old. He was really cute! No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom CD was one if not the first CD I ever bought so I've a fan of them since I was around eight or nine years old. This was the first time I got to see them live, so it was really fun to see a band I grew up listening to all the time. And they were better live than I ever even imagined.

The opening act was Paramore. They are a fairly young group and I got into them just last year. I absolutely love the lead singer, Hayley Williams. She is only 20 years old and she has the most crazy, funky, fun hair I've ever seen. Her hair changes constantly. I've seen it like you see it in this picture, also a bright, deep red, and bright orange with bright yellow bangs. She has so much energy; she was all over the stage. I can't remember which band it was right now, but one of the bands' guitarists did a front flip while playing his guitar and he landed it perfectly. It was awesome!!!

Anyway, Braquel and me survived our night out. It was so much fun. I lost my voice the next couple days and my ears rang the rest of the night. Braquel was the smart one who wore earplugs. :) It was funny to watch the people around me during the No Doubt portion of the concert, they all looked so young and a lot of them weren't singing along to most of the songs like I was. My guess, they didn't grow up on it like I did during the time when No Doubt was releasing their albums.
Anyway, it was a blast. Here's a picture of Braquel and me getting ready to leave for the concert! WOO HOO! :) Definitely a night to remember!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

If You Stare at me with those Pitiful Eyes One More Time I'm Gonna...You can Fill in the Blanks Yourself!

Many of you may think I am on this Twilight kick, and to a point I am. But there is just something about Edward's face that reminds me of me when I am angry. He's just got that look of "Don't mess with me or you will get hurt" aka the "Sadorus Glare." This is exactly how I feel right now. I would say I am doing better with the whole Brady thing, much much better. I don't think about him as often I'm dating different boys a little bit. I feel like I am moving on, slowly but surely. Each day gets better. However, when I see things that remind me of him it can be hard, especially when I see him. I am back up at school and so is he. I actually saw him the first week of school. I saw him before he saw me and I thought of so many things I could do. I could ignore him, say hi to him, flip him off(which is something I don't really do but you will understand why I feel like doing it in a minute), but I decided to make eye contact with him and say hi. So that is what I did. He was on the phone and so luckily it was a quick almost painless passing. After the fact, I did pretty good. I wasn't hurting too bad. Another day, I was booking it up to the Rick's building (top of campus and I live at the bottom) when I looked up and there he was walking ahead of me on the phone again. I decided this time I didn't want to see him so I stayed behind him until he turned right to go to the Austen building. Flash forward to this morning, I'm walking home from my first class, I'm in the MC building when BAM there he is AGAIN! :( Of course we made eye contact again. I just gave him the "cool nod" if you will. If you don't know what that is I'll show you later..hehe. And he just looks back at me with THOSE EYES!!!! I hate it when people pity me! There is a time and a place for it. I know we all have our days when we throw our own little pity party and we tell people. But this is not what I am doing. I just can't take it anymore. I want him to smile at me or something...SOMETHING OTHER THAN THAT STUPID LOOK! I don't need or want his pity. I just want him to acknowledge me as a person and move on to his class. It is almost like he thinks I am still pining for him and so he feels bad. I guess it could also be that he feels bad for what he did to me. AS HE SHOULD, but he doesn't need to show me every time we lock eyes. He can shove his sorries in a sack! I almost want to flip him off next time I see him, just to see a different reaction on his face than that stupid pity! AUHHH! Breathe Breathe...
Anyway, this is how I am feeling right now, and I'm starting to realize when I am angry, I need to start writing or typing my feelings out. I feel A LOT better when I do that. So thank you for letting me vent. Don't worry I won't really flip him off, it isn't my style...but a girl can dream can't she? :) Sorry, hopefully my posts won't always be so negative. I'll try to think of something positive for my next one! :)
P.S. Thanks to Edward for being my brilliant example of angry eyes..
Peaceout Peeps!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Some of you may be looking at the title of my post and this marvelous picture of Edward and be thinking that I've had enough of Twilight. But alas, that is not the case. I'm still loving it. My reason for putting this picture up is to show how mad I am. Sparkly Edward Cullen is giving my angry eyes and face for me because you can't see me right now. :)
I've had enough of stupid roommates! I am living with five girls and all of them don't follow the rules up here, they talk about and do inappropriate things all the time whether a guy is at the apartment or not, they say awkward things to people, and they have no respect for authority figures. My room has become my sanctuary, as has my books.
I can only take so much! I know that I should be getting out and doing things, but truly I don't really have any friends up here. It is slowly starting to get better that way. I am meeting more people in the ward. So slowly I am making more friends, but I can't even really bring those friends to my apartment because of the risk. We have what you call an Honor Code here, so we have rules to follow. Here are a few of the rules: Be home by curfew, no being in the apartment with a guy alone, and NO boys in bedrooms. You'd think these rules would be fairly easy to follow, but no. All my roommates have done one or more of these things more than one time. I know we are free to make our own choices, but when their choices affect whether or not I feel comfortable in my own apartment where I live and pay rent too, it is just too much.
One time, my visiting teachers came over, and my roommates were watching Titanic, and of course it was around the awkward scenes. And then, they wouldn't even turn it down so I could hear my visiting teachers. Then another time, it was Karen's b-day(roommate) and her, Alice, and Viki are all really good friends. Karen got fake tattoos for her b-day. I think that is fine, no big deal right? Wrong! They started putting them in awkward places while a boy is sitting on the couch watching them do it. YIKES! Last night, Karen asked my FHE brother if he had chap stick. He said he had some at home, but that obviously wouldn't help her then. She then said, "oh well do you have any on your lips right now?" And he said "yeah, I could just wipe it off with my finger," and she said "that's not how I wanted to get it." They are ridiculous.
Then on Sunday, I had my home teachers come over to teach me. One's name is Joel, and the other one's name is Kevin (very cute by the way) And so he comes in and we sit at the counter to have the lesson because my roommates are sitting on all the couches. So then Kevin is asking me all these questions trying to get to know me, and my roommates keep interrupting. First they ask him if he is roommates with Brad, because apparently my roommates know Brad and they don't like him. And then they ask Kevin, "Oh, didn't you date Lindsey Nielsen??" This is while we are trying to get to know each other and have a spiritual lesson!! I guess this Lindsey hurt him. She wasn't very nice to him and so them bringing it up made it awkward for him..I WAS SO MAD! When they left, I basically chased them out the door and apologized for how awkward it was. Kevin accepted the apology and told me it wasn't my fault. However, he also said that we might have to meet somewhere else for the lesson next time because he didn't like my roommates and he said as soon as he walked in the door, he could tell the spirit wasn't right in our apartment. I am so grateful for good home teachers. Even though it was hard to concentrate in my apartment during the lesson, I was still able to feel the spirit, and I also think I was supposed to follow them out the door, so that I could know for myself, that i am not imagining what is happening or thinking it is worse than it is.
Sorry this post was a venting post, but I had to get it out. Also, does anyone have any suggestions for what I could do? Everyone I've talked to up here has told me to talk to them about it, but it is 5 against 1 so I don't know how well that would go over. Besides that, I might just blow up and give them the Edward glare. :)