Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Haunted Mill of Teton, Idaho!

Oh the joy of visiting old friends up at school. Brady, my friend Sara, and I went up to Rexburg, Idaho last weekend to see Brady's family and visit some old friends. It was great fun. The only problem was, everyone kept backing out on the plans we made. But we survived. One of my favorite things we did while up there was the Haunted Mill. It's an old flour mill in Teton and supposedly has been closed for 20 years, but it reopened in 1997 as a haunted house. It was great fun! :) It had a suspension bridge, old artifacts from the original mill, and of course scary monsters, some of which I didn't see because I buried my face in Brady's back. I, of course happened to be at the back of the group so although I wasn't scared out of my wits when the monsters would jump out, I instead got monsters that followed me. One whispered to me to hurry up and another I told, "Oh not me, pick someone else." To which he promptly followed me for a while. And our friends Sara and Aaron, Royce and AubRee went. AubRee and Royce are married and they crack me up! AubRee wore high heels to the mill and she is pregnant. She was telling me when she went to bed that night, her baby was kicking for over five minutes. She said it must have been because of the adrenaline rush! :) Anyway, I don't know how Utah's haunted houses are, but I like the idea of people putting them in scary old buildings. We saw another one that was in an old sugar factory and it was called Fear Factory. It looked pretty cool. It sounds like Idaho has some good ones. The only one I would disagree with on is the Pit of Terror. Someone told me about that and guess what kind of pit it is talking about...yes, you guessed it a potato pit. Now if that's not scary I don't know what is! If you want to check out my Haunted Mill experience here's the link! http://www.thehauntedmillinteton.com/Home.html


AnJ. said...

I have only ever been to one haunted house and that will be the last one. SCARY! I'm glad you had fun though. Their website has some interesting old stories.

Mandy said...

Creepy! I have a love/hate relationship with haunted houses. I remember going to the haunted woods at wheeler farm and getting chased by a guy with a chain saw. not so much fun!