Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What Can I Help You Find Today?? :(

Who loves the customer? I DON'T! :) Okay, well sometimes I do. It depends on how they treat me as the employee. Most of the time I do the best I can to help the customer either with their job,(when I'm working at Gordon's Copyprint) or help them find the book/DVD/whatever they are looking for when I'm working at Deseret Book.What I don't understand is why people don't ever read the fine print on coupons? Don't they clearly say, "To be used on a regular-priced item no sale items." Some lady came into Deseret Book and wanted to use a 25% coupon on a DVD that was already 20% off. We told her she either had to use the coupon and take the 25% off the list price, or just use the 20% off that was already on the DVD. She freaked out and stormed out of the store saying we were ridiculous!It is so hard to treat customers with respect when they don't treat me with respect. I guess I'll learn a lot about customers this holiday season because the mean customers are starting to pile up this week and I'm sure they will continue as we get closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Auhhhh, the joy! :)


bluestocking23 said...

Yes, the joy! And, I'm jealous!!! (How weird is that?) I really miss working in the bookstore...but isn't it funny how the people you would think would be the nicest in the world can be the most rude? Crazy!

AnJ. said...

Yippee!!! The Haunted Mill is gone. :)

Be prepared to meet some of the nicest people ever and also some of the not so nicest people ever.
Ahhh...retail how I miss those days. I promise when I come in, I'll be one of the nicer ones. :)

Mandy said...

Yay, another post! :) Customers can be so hard, me included! Your post made me stop and think about how I act sometimes too!