Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I got a picture with Captain Jack Sparrow!!! :)

Alright, needless to say, this has been an AWFUL year for me, and for others I'm sure. So you can imagine how surprised and excited I was when I got the group e-mail from AnJ saying they wanted to go to Disneyland!!! :) I haven't been since we went with the original family, aka Broderick's and Sadorus's. That was when NO ONE was married except Danny and Pila and my parents. We had a blast then, and so I knew as we went this time it would be amazing as well. Here are my highlights of the trip...
*Talking about the trip with everybody beforehand, trying to be quiet so Mason didn't hear us..
*Talking to Mason on the phone the night before the trip, "We are going to Disneyland Addie. And guess what? You are coming too!" Oh really... :)
*Getting lost on the way there! Thank you Toby for being able to read the map..HAHA
*Seein the GIANT California letters by the entrance of California Adventures, and even better they looked like Candy corn..let me help you to finish it.
*Riding Heimlich's train, I know it is for little kids, but his quotes were just SO funny. "I'm a cute little chu chu train. AUHH, I wish candy corn were a vegetable."
*RIDING THE CALIFORNIA SCREAMIN' COASTER. That was my favorite ride. So when you get on it, it takes you around by the pier and then stops you and counts down from 5. So I'm sitting next to dad, and mind you I've never been on this ride before. And as it counts down, it reminds me of the Rockin' Roller Coaster at Disney World. Then I remember it counts down too...and then it shoots you off at about 65 mph...I glanced over at Dad and his head was leaned forward looking around. So I yell to him "Dad, you might want to put your head back" and lucky he did, because shortly after, it sent us rocketing up this awesome hill. He thanked me after for telling him to put his head back. ☺
*Tower of Terror It was fun to ride that again, and to see how mom reacted on it. ☺ I thought for sure she'd be hanging onto Clint..
*Watching Mason get excited about everything, like seeing Tuh Mater without the Tuh in the Pixar Parade.
*Getting back to the hotel and watching Mason just fall right asleep because he was so tired.
*Watching AnJ and Clint trying to get Cooper to sleep in between them. Meanwhile, he just keeps saying Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi☺ Mom and me had to turn the other way to keep from laughing..
*Watching Mason...and Mandy pour over the map and tell us what the plan was for the second day..
*Mmmmm, the Raspberry White Chocolate cookie I got from the shop by the Winnie the Pooh Ride...Shout out to Garrett for telling me about this amazing cookie. So amazing in fact, that I bought another one for the ride home.. ☺
*Shout out to my ride buddy Toby. If I didn't have her, I would have ridden mostly by myself and where is the fun in that? ☺
*Seeing and getting a picture with Captain Jack Sparrow...Okay I know he wasn't Johnny Depp, but hey he was still the character and he looked almost exactly like him. Also, his mannerisms were the same. And he called me Darlin'☺☺☺ You can't compete with that..Ohhh, he was so HOT☺I was just trying to think of the other characters I saw, but I'm having a hard time doing so because Captain Jack just keeps popping in my head...☺
*The good food we had. The clam chowder was amazing, especially on that night because it was cold. It definitely blows Lagoon out of the water..☺
*The Pirates of the Caribbean Ride. That thing is awesome, especially now with Captain Jack in it three times. ☺
*Seeing everyone get wet on Grizzly Rapids and of course Splash Mountain...Poor Pila, she was in the front every time..
*Getting my amazing souvenirs including cookies, a pirate's blanket, a pirate's bracelet, thank you Toby, Mickey earrings, and a Mickey bracelet,thank you mom.
Seeing everyone's reactions to the Lego land show we saw..."Walk like an Egyptian.." HAHA
*Clint and me going on the mini log ride at Lego land and splashing everybody because most adults don't ride together if you catch my drift..something about weighing the log down..☺ HA
*THE OCEAN. I LOVE THE OCEAN. It was so fun to go there and see Masue and Tupa's reactions to it.
*Danny rolling up his pants and walking around in the ocean with the water up to his waist and sometimes higher. ☺
*Seeing the shark in the water. That was really cool it got within two feet of Clint one time. We think it was either a nurse shark or a leopard shark.
*Seeing Cooper trying to get in the water, he kept running back to get in it.
*Taking Mason in the water, and helping him jump the waves.
*Seeing the hot lifeguard clean his jet ski. He was tan and buff. ☺
*Mmmm, eating at Joe's Crab Shack. We wanted to try eating somewhere we've never eaten before, but that didn't work out. But hey, you can never go wrong with Joe's.
*I didn't want to come home...but I did, and now I'm wondering when we get to go back??? ☺


AnJ. said...

Thanks for more good memories. Mason asks multiple times every day when we are going back.

FUN! I had so much FUN!

AnJ. said...

Thanks for more good memories. Mason asks multiple times every day when we are going back.

FUN! I had so much FUN!

DaNae said...

Nice picture!!!

Alison said...

Hey,I heard that you went, but your post was a great reminder of the fun times there. So glad for all of you to get away together. You cannot beat a pic with Jack, cool!

bluestocking23 said...

It will SO go down as one of my best memories and trips ever! Thanks for being the best kind of ride buddy!!! What a blast darlin!