Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Guitar Hero to the rescue...among other things!

Alright! I'm finally back to life! Sorry it took me so long to blog again, but I feel I had a good reason for not "feeling" like it. BUT...Addie's here, never fear! :) So for those of you who don't know which I'm sure all of you do...the wedding is off. Brady was doubting that it was right because we were fighting more than normal and so we took a break the last week of April and that Tuesday night he felt the strongest confirmation that it was wrong. I still felt it was right still, but nevertheless he broke up with me on May 2nd. The week following that, he took a girl out from his ward that he's been friends with for a year or two and now to make the drama even better, he's engaged. Talk about quick. He is not the Brady I know, but I can't change anything. Also, I'm living with his sister which makes things even harder, almost unbearable. So that is basically what happened if anyone is wondering, which I'm sure you probably are, and I want to tell you because you are my family and you care about me. Anyway, this is the HARDEST thing I have ever been through. There were days I didn't want to live anymore, the pain hurt too bad. I feel like he took my heart and threw it on the floor and it shattered into a million pieces. I haven't even started picking it up yet. That is how I've felt. I barely remember that first week after he broke up with me. I guess the point is though, I'm getting through it. I'm doing so much better than I was. There are still hard days and hard moments sometimes, but I now feel like there is life back in me. The things that got me through the hard parts were: my family, (Thank you so much for everything, you stuck with me even when I treated you bad because that is all I felt. You still pressed on just being there when I needed you. :)), my mom has been amazing through this whole ordeal. She's been worrying about dad, but yet she was still there for me. My roommates have been amazing, especially my roommate Cheri. She's been there when I needed someone to talk to, and she let me play her Guitar Hero when I needed it. It really helps with anger issues, just so you all know. I recommend it to everyone because it is a blast! :)
My bishop has helped a lot as well. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this tough time in my life. I'm still working on it, it isn't over yet. I think Brady is an idiot right now. He isn't acting normal because that engagement is so fast, but there's nothing I can do about it now, except maybe take a picture of his car, put it in the want ads with For sale for $200 and do not call til after 10:30! :) My religion teacher that knows Brady thought of that one. You won't believe the pranks I've thought of. Muhaha! But anyway, my time with him is done and now I need to take care of myself. So thank you for being patient with my lack of posts, and I want you to know that I am back on the blogging wagon, so look for more posts when I have something to write about! :)
Love you guys!